Friday, April 26, 2013

Farmyard Fun!

This week we have had fun learning about farms and farm animals. Check out the video of a little play the students did.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Penguins are awesome!

This week we have had a lot of fun continuing to learn about penguins. Each day that we learned something new they wrote about it to create a non-fiction book. We have been reading many non-fiction and fiction books about penguins. Check out the videos below to learn about some of the different kinds of penguins and to see how the mother Emperor penguin would pass her egg to the father. Next week we will be back in to our normal schedule with the shared stories. We will be learning about animals. How the mother penguin passes the egg to the father penguin. Sorry that the video is sideways, it was the only way that I could get them to fit in the picture.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

When I grow up...

This week we had fun learning about community helpers and different jobs. It was neat to see and hear what each student wants to be when they grow up. Check out the video to see! Next week is one of my favorite weeks of the year! We will be learning all about penguins. They will be learning about how they move, what they eat, where they live, and about their predators. With each thing that they learn they will also be writing. We will be reading both fiction and non-fiction books and talking about the differences. We will be taking a break from the KinderCorner stories, but please continue to read other books with them at home. We will continue working on our reading and math skills next week. Don't forget that we will be having our Valentine's Day party tomorrow in our room at 1:45p.m. Amerikus says, "When I grow up, I want to be a soldier."

Friday, February 8, 2013

Happy 100th Day of School

I am happy to be back from Florida. I learned some great stuff and also had some fun at Disney World. The substitute teacher left a note saying that things went pretty well while I was gone. This week the students read "Where is Pit-Pat?". They learned about their neighborhood and community. They learned about different jobs that people have around our community. Next week we will continue learning about more jobs. We had a lot of fun celebrating the 100th day of school yesterday! Check out the picture below. Next week we will be celebrating Valentine's Day on Thursday, February 14th at 1:45p.m. If you would like to join us for our celebration you are more than welcome!

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Happy Birthday Kansas!

This week we had a lot of fun celebrating Kansas' birthday on Tuesday. The students were able to go around to different stations around the school with their book buddies. They made Kansas crafts, Kansas snacks, learned some interesting facts, and square danced. They had a great time! Below are some pictures from Kansas Day. This week we also finished up learning about owls and had a special presentation from Milford Nature Center. They brought two live owls to show us! We also talked about different types of transportation this week. They continued to work on their books and I am so excited to share them with you at conferences. The newsletter is attached on the right. Next week they will begin learning about community helpers and different jobs.

Friday, January 25, 2013

We Communicate in Many Ways

This week we learned about communication. They learned the different ways that we can communicate; such as: writing letters, writing stories, writing lists, talking face-to-face, talking on the phone, typing an e-mail, using sign language, etc. This week we read Sig, the Pig. We added the words of, or, and by to the word wall. They learned the sounds chunks for ar and or. They learned about measurement and used cubes to measure things around the room. They practiced graphing and identifying sets that have more, less, or are the same, and how many more they might have. To get a glimps into our weekly math stations watch the video below! It is noisy in the background, but that is cooperative learning going on! :) Next week we will be talking about transportation.

Friday, January 18, 2013


This week we learned about opposites. The students worked on their reading and writing skills. They began math stations this week and they went great! All of the students were on task, working with their partner to complete the stations. I think that they really liked them. They are becoming so quick with their math facts. This week they also built 2-dimensional shapes with popsicle sticks. They are so smart and creative! Next week's newsletter is attached on the right and will be sent home Tuesday. Don't forget there is no school on Monday. Enjoy your day off! Check out the video below about opposites.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Happy New Year

We had a good first week back! This week we talked about the sun, the moon, and the Earth. We added the words has and put to the word wall. We have started to work much more with the sight words. They are really picking up on the math concepts that we are learning. Next week we are excited to start math stations. Attached on the right is a copy of the newsletter. Below are some pictures from before break when they decorated ginger bread men with their book buddies and a couple pictures from today in our pajamas!