Friday, December 14, 2012

All About Winter

This week we learned about winter! We learned the chunks for er, ir, and ur that all make the same sounds in words like winter, bird, and nurse. We added the words love, do, and with to the word wall. They will be adding those words to their cards in their B.E.E. Books next week. We have been counting down the days until Christmas and showing each number on our tens frames. We are excited to do lots of holiday activities next week. Check out the video below to see what they learned this week!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

What's the Weather?

This week we learned about the weather. We added the words no and was to the word wall and learned the sounds chunks ou and ow for words like shout and cow. They wrote their numbers and worked on addition. Next week we will talk about the winter and the changes that happen during winter. Check out the video below of our class weather report.