Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Pumpkin Patch

We had a lot of fun at the pumpkin patch today!! Below are pictures from the field trip and a video of their favorite things from the pumpkin patch. This week they learned the letter sounds for z and w. Next week we will be doing Halloween activities, pumpkin activities, and apple activities for the fall. They will not be learning a new letter next week and will not be bringing home a book for homework. Enjoy your four day weekend with the kids!!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Fall Fun

This week we continued to talk about fall. We began to talk about where food comes from. We explored the different things that people have on farms, such as cows, pigs, corn, wheat, etc. They learned the sounds for the letter chunks ee and sh and also learned the letter sound h. Next week we will continue to learn about fall and do leaf activities. Our field trip to the Pumpkin Patch is on Wednesday. If you have not returned the permission slip and money, please do so. Please make sure that they wear a jacket and tennis shoes on Wednesday and that they bring a packed lunch. They are very excited and so am I! Below is a video and pictures of what we did this week. Body letter sounds..... H
Fall poem the class created by brainstorming words to describe fall.
Playing the math game Top-It with a partner.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Yay for Fall!

I am so happy to say that all of our class did great on their assessments and I can't wait to share with you at parent-teacher conferences how much progress they have made! They worked really hard on their writing this week and trying to write sentences about their pictures. They are doing great at sounding out words! This week we started to talk about the seasons and the changes that we see in the fall. Next week we will continue to talk about fall and also talk about where our food comes from. They learned the new word harvest this week. Just a reminder there is no school on Monday. Have a great weekend! Check out the video below of the class telling you about their week. : )

Friday, October 5, 2012

Our 5 Senses

This week we had fun learning about and exploring the five senses that help us learn about the world around us. They were able to do some fun activities with their senses. Below is a picture of a face puzzle that they put together when we talked about our senses. They created patterns with shapes, worked with 10's frames to show different numbers and different number combinations, and indentified shapes by only feeling them. They are really catching on with the concepts in math. They also did some writint this week and we created a class story that we worked on together. They learned the letter sounds for b, r, and f and we did activities with those letters. Below are a few pictures of the letters that they made using manipulatives. They had fun using shaving cream to show me the different letters when I said the letter sounds. Next week we will begin to talk about the seasons, particularly fall. The newsletter is attached on the right for the next three weeks. Below is also a video of the students retelling "Little Red Riding Hood."
The funny faces of Mrs. Farwell's class
Little Red Riding Hood